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Campaign Activity

How close can a candidate or a candidate’s representative(s) hand out campaign literature and/or solicit
votes for a candidate?

A candidate cannot come closer than 100 feet from the entrance to any polling place where there is voting taking place, unless the candidate is voting. A voter cannot wear any type of campaign shirt, button or anything else that shows support for or against any candidate or measure on the ballot. However, if a voter is willing to cover the shirt, hat, etc., so
no one else can see it, then the voter will be allowed to vote.


Can a voter carry a sample ballot in to vote with him or her?

Yes, as long as the voter does not show it to any other voters. Each candidate is allowed to appoint a poll watcher at each precinct.


What if a voter has a campaign sign or sticker on his/her vehicle when they come into the polling place to vote? Are they allowed to vote?

Yes, as long as they go straight inside to vote, then vote and leave immediately. The vehicle cannot be left inside the 100 foot boundary once the voter has completed voting.

© 2024 by Campbell County Election Commission, Tennessee

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