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  • You will be outside the county during all the hours the polls are open for early voting and on election day.


  • You are a full-time student or a spouse of such student enrolled in an accredited college or university located in Tennessee but outside Campbell County.


  • You are on the Permanent Absentee Voting Register because of sickness, hospitalization or physical disability. You must have filed a Physician’s Statement with the Campbell County Election Commission which was completed by your licensed physician stating, under penalty of perjury, that in his/her professional medical judgment you are medically unable to appear at the polling place to vote and medically unable to go to the commission office for early voting.


  • You are hospitalized, ill or physically disabled and unable to appear at your polling place to vote (this includes persons who have underlying medical or health conditions which in their determination render them more susceptible to contracting COVID-19 or at greater risk should they contract it). For a list of underlying health conditions that makes a person more susceptible, see A physician’s statement is not required to check this box.


  • You are the caretaker of a person who is hospitalized, ill, or disabled (this includes caretakers for persons who have underlying medical or health conditions which in their determination render them more susceptible to contracting COVID-19 or at greater risk should they contract it). For a list of underlying health conditions that makes a person more susceptible, see  A physician’s statement is not required to check this box.


  • You are a full-time resident of a licensed nursing home or similar licensed institution providing relatively permanent domiciliary care, located outside your county of residence. 


  • You are serving on a state or federal court jury and do not expect to be able to appear during early voting or on election day.


  • You are sixty (60) years of age or older when you make request to vote absentee.


  • You are observing a religious holiday and cannot appear during the early voting period or at the polling place.


  • You are a candidate for office in this election.


  • You will be serving as an election official on election day




If you meet one of the above conditions and wish to vote by mail, you must make this request in writing over your signature, by mail or facsimile, not later than seven (7) days prior to the election. The request can serve as the application for ballot if it contains the following information:


  1. Voter’s name

  2. Voter’s residence address (911 address) in the county and mailing address, if different

  3. Voter’s Social Security Number

  4. Voter’s date of birth

  5. The election in which you wish to vote (including any party preference for Primary)

  6. Voter’s reason for voting by mail (see above reasons)

  7. Address to mail the ballot outside the county if needed or required by reason for voting by mail

  8. Voter’s Signature


IMPORTANT: THIS IS NOT AN APPLICATION. Please use this information to make your request in writing.

If the required information is not provided, you will be sent an official application for ballot.

© 2025 by Campbell County Election Commission, Tennessee

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